Check out my mum's (that's the British version of mom) article which has been published in the June/July issue of Animal Wellness Magazine. It's about eco-friendly ways to dispose of dog poop -- you know, the stuff a lot of people don't like to pick up. A lot of people don't realize just how toxic dog poop is to the environment but my mommy explains all of that in the article.
Mommy always has a bag with her when we go for a walk but many people in our neighborhood don't curb their dogs and...well....I love to eat the stuff so it's always a challenge for mummy to keep me away from it. "Leave It" is a command I'm not fond of but I do it anyway because I'm a well behaved canine (most of the time -- except when I'm counter surfing or rummaging through the trash for leftovers). I've been really good about not eating poop ever since mommy taught me "Leave It" but it doesn't mean I don't like it anymore. ;-)
Anyway, my photo is in Animal Wellness Magazine as well. Actually I was in it last month for their April/May issue and now I'm pictured with my mommy in the June/July issue. So be sure to check out Animal Wellness. It's a great magazine for dogs (and cats) and their humans!
Love you Euri! Blogger is being a poopie head and won't let me sign in to post or to follow you!! Hike your leg on them for me!!
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